:: About Exchange / Refund::
TePe HK 所有銷售的商品均為個人護理用品,因為個人衛生問題,所有已寄出的商品一般均不設退換。 如發現收貨後有問題,閣下可於收貨後的7天內進行退貨。
可供退換的貨品 :
1) 收到的貨品與訂購貨品不相符 或 收到的貨品已損壞
2) 尺碼及大細不合適 或需要更換尺碼 ( 必需完整包裝)
1) 無包裝、已損壞 (退還時必須與收貨時所有配件及包裝一致)
2) 客人個人的原因,例如買錯貨,買錯顏色及個人不適用等
3) 經客人修改過及使用後出現的受損貨品
4) 收貨後超過7天或以上的貨品
:: 其他相關問題::
不能。所有在TePe HK銷售的商品的顏色或圖案均為隨機出貨,加上因為個人衛生問題,所有已寄出的商品均不設退換。
請在收貨後的7天內透過電郵 info@tescodental.com 與TePe HK 客戶服務部聯絡並提出貨品更換,並同時保留所有包裝物料,包括原裝包裝、TePe HK包裝箱及單據。
如有任何爭議,TePe HK將擁有最終的決定權。
如你簽收貨品時發現貨品已損壞,該什麼辦 ?
請在收貨後立即透過電郵 info@tescodental.com 與TePe HK 客戶服務部聯絡並提出貨品損壞,並同時保留所有包裝物料,包括原裝包裝、TePe HK包裝箱及單據。
如有任何爭議,TePe HK將擁有最終的決定權。
::About Delivery ::
How do I know if it will ship to my address?
We make deliver to Hong Kong District.
How to calculate delivery fee?
In promotion period, when your spending is at or above HK$250, you will be entitled to free delivery service.
For spending* less than HK$250, HK$40 delivery fee will be charged.
Normal Delivery:
When your spending is at or above HK$300, you will be entitled to free delivery service.
For spending* less than HK$300, HK$40 delivery fee will be charged.
How to change my shipping address or order??
Under normal circumstances delivery address cannot be changed once order is placed.
My orders have yet to arrive, what should I do?
Normally order will be delivery within 3 to 5 working days after confirmed order.
Order tracking methods:
You will receive delivery email after the order is collected by Courier.
1) Click Track Order
2) From the bottom of the TePe HK Website, find "Customer Service" and click "Track Order". Follow the instruction and enter E-mail address and order number so then you can view the order status.
3) Or directly contact our delivery partners for enquiries, resever delivery time or other special arrangement,
SF Express +852 2730 0273 ( Click to Track Order )
CMS +852 2371 0212
Should you have any enquiries, please contact our Customer Service at: info@tescodental.com . Our customer service hours is 9.30am - 6pm (Monday - Friday, exclude public holidays).